All digital residencies are posted on our instagram account and archived in the highlights.

Liv Grace

July 14 - july 16, 2020

Hey! My name is Olivia Grace Brown, but professionally I go by Liv Grace. Ever since I was little I’ve always loved playing, singing, and dancing to music. It’s in my blood. I studied piano when I was 8 and throughout the years I played a little cello, drums, and guitar. I’ve been singing on praise teams and choirs for as long as I can remember. When I hit high school, musical theatre was added to my list of passions. 

I’m a very meticulous creator, so naturally I was drawn to cinematography and editing. Throughout these past couple years I began perfecting my vocal composition (I’m basically a harmony junkie now) and polishing my songwriting skills. This is my debut song and I am excited to have written, produced, and sang lead and harmony on it.  I can’t wait to share the behind the scenes of the whole experience for creating the music video of my protest song, "Hear Me Roar” during this digital residency.

Liv Grace Headshot.JPG