Maria Luz Bravo

december 2024


Maria Luz Bravo (1975, México) is a Mexican photographer who holds a bachelor in Architecture and a Master of Arts in New Media Photojournalism by the Corcoran School of the Arts and Design.

Her body of work revolves around the use of space, both urban and architectural in the contemporary urban landscape to highlight major social phenomena, focusing primarily on cities in conflict, political boundaries, and community resilience.

In Mexico, she has photographed the effects of violence in Ciudad Juarez and the political boundaries of México City. In the U.S. she has documented urban decline, racial segregation and socioeconomic contrasts mainly on the east coast and the south.

Her work has been exhibited and published in Mexico and abroad. Her series “Reclaims” was selected to be part of the XVI Photography Biennale in México. She was part of the 2020-2022 cohort of the Hamiltonian Artists Fellowship.

Maria Luz lives and works between Washington DC and Mexico City.

Learn more about Maria’s work here.

Maria’s Digital Residency is coming in December, 2024!